War is a high-intensity Bollywood action drama which stars Hrithik Roshan, Tiger Shroff, Vaani Kapoor, among other stars. Directed by Siddharth Anand, War movie is about a special agent Kabir (Hrithik Roshan) who has gone rogue and his student, Khalid (Tiger Shroff) is entrusted to take him down. Vaani Kapoor plays a pivotal role in this epic battle of teacher vs student. Will Khalid be able to stop Kabir? What made Kabir go rogue? Find out in War, the latest action movie hitting theatres in October 2019. Book your tickets now to witness this thriller, `War`. Releasing in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu in theatres near you!
Hrithik Roshan | Kabir Luthra | |
Tiger Shroff | Khalid Khan | |
Vaani Kapoor | Naina | |
Ashutosh Rana | Colonel Luthra | |
Dipannita Sharma | Dr. Mallika Singhal | |
Anupriya Goenka | Aditi |
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