2011 Malayalam decent entertainer Urumi is now being dubbed in to Hindi and its version has been now titled as Ek Yoddha Shoorveer. Ek Yoddha Shoorveer film features Bollywood Stars like Tabu, Genelia D'Souza, Prabhu Deva, Vidya Balan in crucial characters. This film throws light on Vasco Da Gama's journey to South India and entire story plot is set in the period of 16th Century. Vidya Balan and Tabu are seen in special appearance roles. Kiran Kumar is the director of Ek Yoddha Shoorveer which is an action romantic drama which also casts in Genelia D'Souza, Arya, Prithviraj and others in prominent roles and Santosh Sivan is the producer.
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