This deeply irreverent shaggy dog farce from French director Roger Delattre follows the exploits of Mario Diccara, a criminal who finishes a seven-year stretch in prison. Upon release, he discovers that his affairs with the underworld aren't completely settled, so he asks his brother Patrick to help him find a hideout where he can stay incognito and survive the dangerous elements that threaten him until the conflict blows over. A local priest named Patrick offers to let Mario stay with elderly Father Etienne in an Ardeche village. Mario follows suit, but is a bit perplexed to discover that Etienne has died and the villagers believe that Mario is the new priest
David Strajmayster | Patrick | |
Thiam Aïssatou | Nadine | |
Jean Dell | Gendarmerie Captain | |
Michel Chesneau | Mayor | |
Benjamin Feitelson | Roger | |
Jean-Gilles Barbier | André |
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