Lora Meredith (Lana Turner), a white single mother who dreams of being on Broadway, has a chance encounter with Annie Johnson (Juanita Moore), a black widow. Annie becomes the caretaker of Lora's daughter, Suzie (Sandra Dee), while Lora pursues her stage career. Both women deal with the difficulties of motherhood: Lora's thirst for fame threatens her relationship with Suzie, while Annie's light-skinned daughter, Sarah Jane (Susan Kohner), struggles with her African-American identity.
Lana Turner | Lora Meredith | |
Juanita Moore | Annie Johnson | |
John Gavin | Steve Archer | |
Sandra Dee | Susie | |
Susan Kohner | Sarah Jane, age 18 | |
Robert Alda | Allen Loomis |
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