Small Local Trains

  • Comedy
  • Drama
  • Romance

Émile Durand, an insecticide manufacturer, is appalled to learn that his son Gérard has fallen in love with Suzy, the daughter of a travelling theatre company. Realising his father will never favour the union, Gérard joins the company on their next tour. In an attempt to heal the rift, Durand’s wife goes after Gérard and ends up performing in their next play…


Jean RichardCésar Beauminet, directeur de la troupe théâtrale
Roger PierreGérard Durand, le fils d'Emile
Danièle LebrunSuzy Beauminet, la fille de César
Madeleine BarbuléeAdélaïde Benoit, la tante de Gérard
Robert RollisErnest, un homme de la troupe
Christian MarinLéon, le collaborateur d'Émile

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