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The Boss's Son at College

    The story deals with Fuji, nicknamed Waka-danna (Young Master), the star athlete on his university's rugby team. The son of a wealthy soy sauce manufacturer, Fuji basks in the glory of his athletic celebrity. Attracting the attention of admiring young women, Fuji resists family pressure to settle down and marry after college. Instead, he spends much of his time drinking and womanizing, behavior which eventually leads the college officials to expel him from the team.


    Mitsugu FujiiMinoru Fujii
    Yoshiko TsubouchiYounger sister Namiko
    Takeshi SakamotoFujii's uncle Muraki
    Tatsuo SaitôWakahara, husband of Namiko
    Shin TokudaijiHead clerk Chûichi
    Kinuko WakamizuGeisha Ofune

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