The timeless holiday tale of "The Nutcracker" springs to life as an animated musical. After young Clara receives a wooden nutcracker as a Christmas gift, she dreams about a fantastical battle between her Nutcracker Prince and the evil Mouse King. At stake is the Nutcracker's freedom -- and Clara's future happiness. Kiefer Sutherland, Peter O'Toole and Megan Follows lend their voices to this family-friendly adventure.
Megan Follows | Clara (voice) | |
Mike MacDonald | Mouseking (voice) | |
Peter O'Toole | Pantaloon (voice) | |
Phyllis Diller | Mousequeen (voice) | |
Stephanie Morgenstern | Louise (voice) | |
Kiefer Sutherland | Nutcracker Prince (voice) |
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