"Maury" (sometimes known as The Maury Povich Show) is a syndicated American tabloid talk show hosted by Maury Povich. When the series first aired in 1991, the show was called The Maury Povich Show and was produced by MoPo Productionsin association with Paramount Domestic Television. The show adopted the title Maury in the 1995–1996 season. The show was then revamped in the 1998–1999 season, when Studios USA (now NBCUniversal) took over production. However, MoPo continues to co-produce with NBCUniversal. For the series' first 18 seasons, it was taped in New York City, but beginning with Season 19, the show has been taped in the Stamford Media Center in Stamford, Connecticut.Maury has dealt with a variety of issues across its 21 seasons, including—but not limited to—teenage pregnancy, sexual infidelity, paternity test results, uncommon illnesses, makeovers, "out of control" teenagers, transgender individuals, obese children, domestic violence, little people, bullying, and unusual phobias. After the taping of these episodes, guests are often tracked for progress, both on air and on the Maury website
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